Frame Buffer
This is an implementation of frame buffer on MFC. This program has a text file as a input and generates a .ppm file as a result.
The repository includes:
- Source code
- Sample datasets
- Sample screen shots
The input file named rects contains rectangles information. Each line is consisted of seven numbers. The first two numbers represent top left corner cordination (X,Y) of rectangle, following two numbers mean bottom right corner cordination (x,y) of rectangle, and following three numbers are the RGB color values. The media contents consist of series of image files. Each image file is .RGB where the resolution is 352x288 containing 352x288 red bytes, followed by 352x288 green bytes, floowed by 352x288 blue bytes.
The output file is .PPM file format which has an ascii header followed by 8-bit binary pixel color values in raster order (top-left to bottom-right). For example the header is P6 255 256 255\n
produces a 256x256 image.
Result Screen shot
Building Environment
- Microsoft Window 10
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
Compile and Run
Set running configuration to Release
Build - Build Solution
> %(Solution Dir)\Release\CS580HW1.exe
Render - RunRender
This is the first assignment of CSCI-580 3D Graphics and Rendering, 2018 fall
Version 1.0